速報APP / 遊戲 / Sudoku Master, Sudoku Puzzle, Ultimate S

Sudoku Master, Sudoku Puzzle, Ultimate S





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:You can find me on my email id infoeagleeyesolutions@gmail.com only.

Sudoku Master, Sudoku Puzzle, Ultimate Sudoku Game(圖1)-速報App

The game provides fully interested platform to use your valuable time with solving sudoku puzzles.

Contains more than 30 puzzles in each category like easy, medium and tough puzzles.

User can create own puzzles and store them into its memory card,

It can import other sudoku puzzles with this app also.

Very interesting to play sudoku with very simple user inteface.

Sudoku Master, Sudoku Puzzle, Ultimate Sudoku Game(圖2)-速報App

Keep playing and enjoying..

Sudoku game you know and love for your Android phone and tablet, and the best way to learn and improve your skills in this classic puzzle game.

With our Sudoku app, not only will you play a beautiful user-friendly Sudoku, but you’ll also have access to the world’s most friendly and complete mobile Sudoku learning system.

Enjoy a clear, easy to read, and customizable Sudoku board with visual guides that make glancing at the possibilities a breeze.


Sudoku Master, Sudoku Puzzle, Ultimate Sudoku Game(圖3)-速報App

• The world’s most advanced Sudoku learning tool